This symbol means a ticket is being sold by another fan and is available for you to buy. The process of buying it is exactly the same as when you buy a new ticket. We verify every ticket on our resale platform, so the ticket and seat you buy is the ticket you get.
Ticket availability can change, so if the tickets you want aren't shown or the amount of tickets you’d like isn't available, you may want to try closer to the event in case more tickets may be listed.
You can currently pay for resale tickets using Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and Amex.
We can't accept PayPal, Klarna or Ticketmaster Gift Cards at the moment, but keep an eye out for further updates.
We have to give all standing, also known as General Admission, tickets a number for our system. Unless the event you have booked for has multiple standing sections, the numbers don’t usually refer to any specific standing or seating location.
The information on the ticket or booking confirmation will look like this: Row GA0, Seats 1 and 2.
The status describes where your tickets are in the order process and is updated to either:
- Pending info, which means your order is undergoing security checks.
- Awaiting shipment, which means your order has been accepted and your payment has been received. Once the seller has the tickets from their place of purchase, they’ll be posted to you.
- Tickets shipped/Tickets delivered, which means your tickets are on their way and should be with you shortly.